An Aggressive Attorney Who Aims For The Best Results

Criminal Defense For Fraud Crimes In Georgetown

Being investigated for or accused of a crime can be stressful and make you feel like you are in an alternate reality. At our law firm, we understand the stress and uncertainty you are most likely feeling. For over 15 years, our fraud defense attorneys at Ranney Law have been protecting the rights of individuals in Georgetown and throughout Texas.

Our defense attorneys consistently provide honest and straightforward advice. They have built on their reputation for success by developing innovative strategies and fighting aggressively in the courtroom on behalf of their clients.

Fraud Charges In Texas

Fraud charges in Texas can take many forms. Each type of fraud involves deceit or misrepresentation intended to secure an unfair or unlawful gain and is considered a white collar crime. Some common examples include:

  • Credit card fraud: Credit card fraud might involve using someone else’s card without permission.
  • Identity theft: Identity theft could mean using someone else’s personal information to commit a crime.
  • Insurance fraud: Insurance fraud might involve filing false claims to receive unwarranted payouts.
  • Mortgage fraud: Mortgage fraud often includes falsifying information on loan applications to obtain property loans.
  • Wire fraud: Wire fraud involves using electronic communications to carry out a fraudulent scheme.

A conviction for any of these different types of fraud charges could lead to severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment. If accusations of fraud involve multiple states or transactions that cross state lines, you could be facing federal fraud charges.

What Are Federal Fraud Crimes In Texas?

Federal fraud crimes in Texas are often more serious and can involve extensive investigations by federal agencies. Agencies such as the FBI, IRS and SEC investigate federal fraud crimes, including:

  • Securities fraud: Securities fraud could involve misleading investors with false information.
  • Tax fraud: Tax fraud could mean deliberately underreporting income to the IRS.
  • Bank fraud: Bank fraud usually involves schemes to defraud financial institutions.
  • Health care fraud: Health care fraud could include filing false claims to federal health programs like Medicare.

Federal fraud crimes typically involve larger schemes and higher amounts of money, which is why they attract federal attention. The consequences for federal fraud crimes are severe, often resulting in long prison sentences and substantial fines.

Aggressive Defense For Accusations Of Fraud Crimes In Texas

If you believe that you may be under investigation for a federal fraud crime or are facing criminal charges for fraud, retaining a criminal defense attorney with experience defending clients in federal court is crucial. At Ranney Law, our aggressive criminal defense attorneys investigate your case, thoroughly analyze the evidence and develop innovative strategies designed to protect your rights and freedom.

Consult A Georgetown Fraud Defense Lawyer

Our Georgetown fraud defense attorneys are available for initial consultation appointments. This consultation is confidential and is a great opportunity for you to ask questions about your specific case. To schedule a consultation with a criminal defense lawyer at Ranney Law, contact us by sending a message through our website or calling our office at 512-982-1082.