An Aggressive Attorney Who Aims For The Best Results

Georgetown Aggravated Assault Attorney

When an altercation between two parties escalates to a point where an aggressor inflicts serious bodily harm on the other person or wields a deadly weapon, the aggressor will likely be charged with aggravated assault. Texas judges take these charges seriously, and you need to be sure you are not taking chances with your future. With the help of a tough, smart Texas criminal defense lawyer, you can fight the charges and protect your rights.

At Ranney Law, our Georgetown aggravated assault lawyer has more than 15 years of experience representing clients throughout Georgetown and Williamson County. When you are facing criminal charges, you can find the experienced, driven and committed representation you need. We take the time to work closely with clients to develop custom-tailored defense strategies in their aggravated assault cases.

What Are The Penalties For Aggravated Assault In Texas?

Aggravated assault can be either a first- or second-degree felony, depending on the details of the case. Regardless, with penalties ranging from five years to life in prison (1st degree) and two to 20 years in prison (2nd degree), along with fines up to $10,000, aggravated assault is an extremely serious offense, which requires an aggressive and thorough defense. At Ranney Law, our attorney has a long history of outstanding results on such cases, including many dismissals or reductions.

What Are The Potential Defenses For Aggravated Assault?

Every case our clients bring to us is unique, and so is the defense strategy we build for our clients. When we review your case, we will look for opportunities to challenge factors such as proof of intent, the full extent of any injuries, the severity of any actions taken, or whether or not you were capable of causing harm. We will also consider options of negotiating for reduced charges and sentencing if we believe that is the right strategy for your defense.

Your Defense Can’t Wait

A conviction for aggravated assault can leave you with a lifetime of regret, especially if you receive an outcome you did not deserve. Instead of making the mistake of representing yourself, allow us to guide you through your criminal defense case. Call 512-982-1082 or email us here to schedule your free initial consultation today with a Georgetown aggravated assault attorney you can depend on.